Youth Volunteering Programs and Services


Meet with a volunteer advisor to learn about volunteering options

Not sure where to start when it comes to volunteering? Meet with a Volunteer Victoria advisor (online, in-person, or via phone or email) and they will help you find volunteer positions that fit your interests and your schedule. It's free and easy to learn more.

Stay on top of the latest news about youth volunteerism in Greater Victoria. If you are looking for a one-time volunteering event, or a passion project, this is the place to learn more. 

Sign Up to the News Flash NewsletterMeet with an Advisor


City of Victoria Youth Advisory Council

The City of Victoria Youth Advisory Council, funded by the City of Victoria and hosted by Volunteer Victoria, empowers young leaders to take action and raise awareness on key community issues. This passionate group shares youth perspectives with Victoria’s City Council, staff, and citizens.

Interested in joining our diverse team? Contact Anisha Kapoor at to become part of Victoria’s youth voice!

book a school presetation

Let us come to you! Book a 45 minute presentation about volunteering at a school, post secondary, or with a youth group. We meet online or in person with groups of all ages and sizes.

Contact for more information.

Youth Volunteering Activities


Want to meet new people, have fun, and keep things flexible and low stress? Every month Volunteer Victoria hosts one-time volunteering activities at local events, festivals, and community gathering spaces.

Individual youth, or groups of youth, from all over Greater Victoria come together to volunteer for a few hours and make a difference that has a lasting impact. Contact to learn more about upcoming events.

Don’t forget to sign up for Volunteer Victoria’s Instagram

Youth Testimonials

Thanks is not enough to express what an honour it is to have met you in the last two weeks. Your advice and encouragement will go a long way. What I took away from our interaction other than all your advice, is that it's very important to be honest and passionate about what you do and value because it will show on your work and it will become my identity. I can feel your sincerity joy and willingness to help make someone's day brighter.
This earth is great because we have someone like you in it. Thanks again for your time and wisdom.
Vinny was super helpful in giving me an overview and pointing me in the right direction for volunteer opportunities.
Anisha was so helpful providing youth advisory services to our son. It isn't always easy chatting with a teen and getting them to open up about their interests. Great job!

Volunteer Victoria acknowledges with gratitude the financial contribution from Victoria Foundation, Provincial Employees Community Services Fund, and the Province of BC Gaming. Their generous support makes the Youth Engagement Team possible!