What the Check?

Over the years Volunteer Victoria has shared many E-Link articles about importance of robust volunteer assessments and the use of criminal record checks as one tool in the process to help determine a volunteer’s suitability. Over the last 2 years we have also initiated dialogue and shared information about the Criminal Record Review Program offered through the Ministry of Justice.

Earlier this month the Ministry of Justice announced significant changes to the Criminal Record Review Program effective December 1, 2013. While currently only organizations providing volunteers in locations covered by certain legislation are legally obligated to use the Criminal Record Review Program (which includes many hospitals, government funded senior care facilities, licensed day cares, and post secondary institutions) the new program will be available to any registered agency using volunteers who serve vulnerable populations.

The new program provides a much-needed cost savings for non-profit organizations on the lower mainland and in other jurisdictions where police services currently charge a fee for volunteer criminal record checks. All volunteer criminal record checks will be provided through the Ministry of Justice at no fee.  It also provides volunteers across the province with an opportunity to apply for a criminal record check (including a vulnerable sector check) online. The online system is secure and convenient for volunteers – promising to return a criminal record check in under two weeks and with no need to visit the local police station. Criminal Record checks will be valid for up to five years and can be transferred between agencies if a volunteer moves agencies or volunteers at multiple agencies. Please note that agencies must be registered with the Ministry of Justice to participate in the program.

Volunteer BC and AVRBC are working closely with the Ministry of Justice to help inform and educate volunteer managers about the important changes to this service. With this in mind they are offering a one-day learning opportunity on November 28th in partnership with Volunteer Victoria that includes three separate  sessions:

– Morning Session: Risk Management: Protecting Volunteers and Programs  with Lillian Whitmore (Fee $59 members, $79 non member)
– Lunch Time Session: Criminal Records Review Changes with Stacy Ashton from Volunteer BC (Free session and lunch is provided)
– Afternoon Session: New Directions for the Non-Profit Sector in BC with Sue Biely from SPARC BC (Free session)

Participants are invited to register in some or all of the learning sessions. To register for this event or others please visit http://volunteervictoria.eventbrite.ca 

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