Victoria and Esquimalt Police Services Stop CRC Services

The Victoria and Esquimalt Police Boards implemented a temporary stop to police information and background checks for all non-vulnerable sectors as of June 25, 2014.

The stop of information and background checks is a temporary measure while privacy recommendations by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner are considered and implemented. The review relates to privacy concerns regarding the potential disclosure of information about an individual’s mental health history or status.

What does this mean for agencies and volunteers? If your new volunteers live in the municipalities of Victoria or Esquimalt and are not volunteering directly with vulnerable populations the police services will NOT be able to provide your volunteer with a Criminal Record Check.  This includes individuals who may be volunteering with agencies who work with vulnerable populations (i.e. Child and youth serving agencies) but are not directly working with vulnerable populations (in positions such as board members.)

Volunteers who are working directly with vulnerable populations can still apply to the police services for a CRC or to the Ministry of Justice if your organization is registered with the Criminal Record Review Program. Volunteers in all other municipalities can continue to access CRC through their local police station.

If your organization needs CRC’s to be processed in the short-term both Back Check and the Corp of Commissionaires (a non-profit) complete CRC’s for volunteers for a fee. The cost of a CRC ranges from $43 to $60.

For more information please contact the Victoria Police Department at