Training for Coordinators of Volunteers

Since 2000, Volunteer Victoria has been offering an Overview of Volunteer Management course once a year for those involved (or wanting to be) in the administration of volunteers.  In the course, participants learn all the basics they need to know about managing volunteers and we’ve graduated over 250 individuals from this course over the past eleven years. 

We’re currently planning for our 2011 offering, and this year we have something else exciting to announce other than just the new course dates for 2011.  Our course has been accepted for credit towards the first course – “Working with Volunteers” – in Red River College’s Volunteer Management program.

Now coordinators of volunteers who take our Overview of Volunteer Management course can use it as a basis for going on for further study at this Manitoba-based college. Red River College’s Volunteer Management program can be completed entirely at a distance, a useful thing for those of us who live in British Columbia and don’t have access to other volunteer management-related certificate programs at our local colleges or universities.

This year, Volunteer Victoria’s Overview of Volunteer Management course will be held in-person over four non-consecutive Saturdays in October and November.  Save the following dates in your calendar, and let us know if you’d like to be contacted when registration is open to save your spot.  This year’s course will be held over October 15, October 22, November 5 and November 19.

To read a previous participant’s experience in this course, please click here.