To Live in Hope

Like millions of people across the world this week we have been watching the tributes to Mr. Nelson Mandela. Amongst the many touching testimonies to the strength and courage of one’s word’s greatest advocates for equity and freedom and outstanding agents of change was an observation that, “when given every reason to live in fear, Mr. Mandela chose to live in hope.”

Hope falls along a long continuum that resonates profoundly for individuals and community. Hope informs our everyday encounters and strategic choice. From the personal “hope it doesn’t rain today” to “hope you feel better soon” and the occasional ‘hope for a snow day, warm cookies, or a snuggle with a puppy” hope remains fluid and accessible. We  collectively hope for change on a world-wide scale – we hope to find the cure for cancer and disease,  to end to hunger, homelessness, and abuse, and we hope for peace, happiness, and healthy communities. Hope is so powerful that it turns emotion into intention. 

As a community of practice we witness the abundant value of hope and it’s profound ability to make a difference in the lives of our clients and their families. Because we  help those who cannot always find the resources they need to help themselves, we deliver hope, and this hope builds resiliency, esteem, connection, and a more positive future. 

Volunteer Victoria would like to share our hopes for all our members this holiday season.

We hope you celebrate your abundant strengths and collective power to make a difference. We hope 2014 brings a sense of accomplishment that is achieved when healthy communities rise above their fears and troubles to find a place of wellness and belonging.

We hope that you all have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season filled with everything you need to be your best selves. We wish you an abundant year, filled with hope.