Tag volunteer

Rediscovering Myself Through Volunteering

In July 2013, Volunteer Victoria’s Youth Program hosted the first Community Youth Leadership Summit! Part of the week was reflecting on volunteering, the community, and the Summit in the format of a blog post. Kathy was one of our awesome…

Meet our new Youth Team!

The following is a guest blog post written and researched by one of Volunteer Victoria’s volunteer writers, Kate Lautens. Kate is one of two Volunteer Victoria Media Copy Writers that have been with us for over a year. Enjoy! !…

The Gift of a Volunteer

The following guest blog post was written by Kyra Henry, Administrative Assistant at Threshold Housing Society, in praise of one of their volunteers.  Thank you Kyra, for sharing how impactful Fran’s presence has been on your organization! I would like…

Meet a volunteer: Jean McKenzie

Jean McKenzie is one of 20 of our in-house volunteers here at Volunteer Victoria (not including our board members). She kindly agreed to be interviewed for this blog post. I am pleased to present you, Jean McKenzie. Jean has been…

State of the Non Profit Sector

Blackbaud recently released the results of a North American survey of over 2,200 non-profit organizations. This survey gathered data on general operations, fundraising, technology and accountability/stewardship to provide a snapshot of the sector in 2010 and to make projections for 2011.…

Luminara Festival 2010

On behalf of myself and the rest of our team, I would like to welcome and introduce Alan Piffer. Alan is one of our Volunteer Media Generalist/Writers here at Volunteer Victoria and this is the first of many posts he…

Building Better Boards

As most non-profit boards will shortly be regrouping after the summer hiatus, this seems like a good time to highlight board development resources. This list includes both on-line and print materials that can be accessed through Volunteer Victoria’s library. A…