Tag nonprofit

Gone Fishin’

If you have looked around your office and realized that no one else is there – you are not alone! It is the time of the year when staff, board members, and volunteers take vacations, stay-cations, and even the occasional…

Book Review: The Abundant Non Profit

Volunteering trends vary greatly across the world and what may be true for most other nations is not always true in Canada; like the idea that there is a shortage of volunteers. Canada has the 2nd largest voluntary sector in the world – after the…

All On-Board

For many families June ushers in the end of the school year. For many non-profits June signals the beginning of a new year as we  wrap up last fiscal year’s audits and annual reports and ask our membership to approve…

What I Learned as a Guinea Pig in Las Vegas

We’d like to welcome guest blogger Claire Doherty to the Volunteer Victoria blog! Claire is a board member with the Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society (VIRCS), and has worked and volunteered for a wide variety of non-profit organizations. She…

A Question of Accountability

This article first appeared in Volunteer Victoria’s E-Link newsletter on July 29th , 2011. Sign up for E-Link and keep current with news and information from Volunteer Victoria. A Question of Accountability The national media recently turned its attention to charitable spending and…

Social Media Policies to Share

This article first appeared in Volunteer Victoria’s E-Link newsletter on March 11, 2011. Sign up for E-Link and keep current with news and information from Volunteer Victoria. When Volunteer Victoria developed its Social Media Policies a year ago we shared these widely with…

Imagine Canada: Sector Monitor

This post first appeared in Volunteer Victoria’s E-Link newsletter on February 11, 2011. Sign up for E-Link and keep current with news and information from Volunteer Victoria. Imagine Canada released its third Sector Monitor report last week. This ongoing project tracks the health…

New Policy on Criminal Record Checks

As we have been hearing from our agencies, this screening enhancement has had a significant impact on their volunteer recruitment process. Due to the extra work volume generated, there have been lengthy delays in getting criminal records checks processed. This…