Tag coordinators of volunteers

Book Review: The Abundant Non Profit

Volunteering trends vary greatly across the world and what may be true for most other nations is not always true in Canada; like the idea that there is a shortage of volunteers. Canada has the 2nd largest voluntary sector in the world – after the…

Saluting All Volunteers

Have you every heard that old saying about the weather in March? “In like a lion, out like a lamb.”  Sadly for our neighbours across Northern and Southern Alberta last week  June came “in like a lamb but went out like a lion.”  While the…

Where Can Volunteering Take You?

Today’s blog post is contributed by Angela Vincent, a volunteer at the Victoria General Hospital. Angie’s story is a great example of how someone can discover their passion while volunteering! Read on… Hello everyone! For those of you who don’t…

Reconnecting with Passion

Clare O’Kelly, President of the Administrators of Volunteer Resources British Columbia (AVRBC), wrote this positive and passionate article to all AVRBC members – individuals who coordinate volunteers at BC nonprofit and public organizations – a couple of weeks ago. I believe…

New Regional Rep for AVRBC

I’d like to announce that Tina Lowery of the BC Cancer Agency has stepped in to share the Regional Representative position with me for our local Administrators of Volunteer Resources British Columbia (AVRBC) chapter.  Tina replaces Nancy Martens (more on Nancy…

Creating Enticing Volunteer Positions

For many years, Volunteer Victoria has had a strong partnership with the Administrators of Volunteer Resources British Columbia (AVRBC), BC’s professional group for people involved in the administration of volunteers.  Every month between September and June on the third Thursday…

Training for Coordinators of Volunteers

Since 2000, Volunteer Victoria has been offering an Overview of Volunteer Management course once a year for those involved (or wanting to be) in the administration of volunteers.  In the course, participants learn all the basics they need to know…

AGM Awards

Volunteer Victoria welcomed over 80 guests (funders, supporters, member agencies, Coordinators of Volunteers, etc) to celebrate our35th Annual General Meeting on June 24th. The agenda consisted of a delicious breakfast, guest speakers, agency awards and ended with a brief meeting. The theme for the day was…