Each year Volunteer Victoria works with a wide variety of trainers to deliver workshops for our community participants. As the Manager of Training and Outreach for Volunteer Victoria, I’m pleased that we are able to offer a good cross-section of learning opportunities for our member agencies and others in our community who need to develop knowledge and skills in nonprofit management.
Just since September last year our staff or contracted facilitators have taught workshops in: fund development, media relations, social media, volunteer management, networking skills, succession planning, communication skills, story-telling, governance, public speaking, creating public displays, and emerging leadership. And we’re not even done the training year yet! I’d like to send out a big thank you to all of the trainers who continue to work graciously for the needs of our community by partnering with Volunteer Victoria in this vein.
On that note, I am starting to plan for the 2011/2012 training “season” which, for Volunteer Victoria, begins in September. I’m in the midst of reviewing what our member agencies’ knowledge needs are and will then create – as I do every year – a training plan of workshops designed to address those needs.
Do you have stellar teaching skills and a great knowledge base in a topic that could benefit nonprofits? Do you know someone who does? Individuals who wish to work with us as contracted facilitators are invited to contact me at any point throughout the year to discuss your ideas and skills. In addition, agencies are always invited to suggest topic ideas for me to consider as well. The more you keep telling us what it is that you need, the better we’ll be able to do just that.