Invitation to Submit Projects

Volunteer Victoria invites submissions from member agencies for REALnet projects. REALnet offers an opportunity to have an executive level volunteer or team of volunteers carry out a much needed project or address an organizational challenge in your non-profit.

The areas where our available REALnet members offer expertise at this particular time are board development, program assessment, database development and implementation of information management systems, human resource management, conflict coaching / resolution and communication, facilitation, strategic planning, and governance.

As highlighted by the Executive Director of an agency helped by REALnet in 2012:

“Thanks for making this possible.  We would not have been able to afford these professional services and it will really make a difference to our organization and to our clients.  I am confident that the resulting Strategic Plan will also open a number of funder doors for us as well.”

To submit your project concept, please complete the RealNet Project Application and return it to Lisa Mort-Putland at Our team of executive leaders has capacity for 3 or 4 projects at this time.

If you would like further information about REALnet or have any questions about the attached application form please don’t hesitate to contact us at 250-386-2269.