Lisa Mort-Putland

Lisa Mort-Putland

You Made A Difference – Thank You!

Volunteer Victoria turned 40 this week. Today we are officially 14,602 days old! Relative to agencies like the Cridge Centre – Western Canada’s oldest non profit which formed in 1876 – we are still a baby. Still, 40 years of business…

Our United Way

We may occasionally toy with the idea of what to do with millions if we win a lottery  but I think this may be the extent of most people’s philanthropic dreams. (After a long and happy marriage my spouse and I have…

We Blame it on the Sunshine

The team at Volunteer Victoria has been musing on an idea for a couple of days now. After stumbling across a Fantasy Football League, we asked ourselves what would a Fantasy Non-Profit League in Victoria look like? Of course, our Fantasy…

Just Saying!

It’s August – if you have been paying even the slightest attention to the calendar, the weather, or your vacation schedule, or if you are more than 4 years old, then you already know this. BC teachers are still on strike.…

Canada’s Commercial Anti-Spam Law (CASL)

Has your inbox been inundated this week with requests from all types of businesses seeking your permission to ‘stay in touch?’ Canada’s new Commercial Anti-Spam Law (CASL) takes effect July 1st, and while there is still time for non-profit organizations to…

What is the Difference?

We often get requests from volunteers who want a position that will be inspiring, challenging, and rewarding – and a volunteer position that will help them build skills and gain knowledge so that they can explore or strengthen their career…

Reputations Lost

It has been a difficult couple of weeks for non-profits in the media. On Thursday, the criminal and fraudulent acts that directly led to the closure of the much-loved Capital Families organization in the Westshore were proven in a court…