Volunteer Victoria’s Mental Health Visiting and Activity Program matches community volunteers with individuals on a mental health and/or substance use journey.  Many of the clients live within Island Health’s Mental Health and Substance Use residential services. Volunteers play a key role in reducing isolation by providing companionship to residents.  Volunteering can look like going out for a coffee, attending a community event, playing a card game or simply visiting with a resident on a regular basis. Volunteers and residents are matched according to their compatibility, interests, locations and time availability. As a volunteer this is an excellent opportunity to develop an understanding of mental illness and to support someone to achieve their recovery goals. Orientation and supervision is provided jointly by Volunteer Victoria and Island Health’s Mental Health and Substance Use staff.

For more information on these programs please contact Anisha at anisha@volunteervictoria.bc.ca or tel: 250-386-1383, or for information on volunteer opportunities click on this link.