2010 Social Media Year-in-Review

I would like to thank this week’s guest blogger, Janis La Couvée, for once again sharing her insights with us.  If you are at all familiar with the social media scene in Victoria, you will definitely have heard of Janis. 

Janis is a financial services professional with a long history of community involvement, particularly in the areas of capacity building, public relations and the arts.  Long before social media was in vogue, Janis was connecting people and building community. Social media has just made it easier to do!

She has graciously offered to share her Social Media Year-in-Review blog posts, which highlight the many ways social media has helped us to build community, connections and initiatives across Victoria this past year. 

Have a read and share your comments. As always, we love to hear what you have been doing as well!


Excerpt from: Social Media Year in Review  – December 2010 Victoria BC   By @lacouvee
Traditionally December would be a month of planning holiday celebrations! Not for the Victoria social media community. Janine Theobald  came to Social Media Camp and Club, and was inspired to create the #twamper drive   and tweetup  held December 17th at Cabin 12 . Two families were assisted through these efforts.

Earlier in the month Alan Smith organized a Victoria event for Help Portrait, providing free portraits for Victoria families and individuals who might be otherwise unable to have a professional portrait. More than 30 photographers and volunteers provided 148 sessions. Help Portrait 2011 is December 3rd. Become part of the Help Portrait Victoria community here:

On the same day, Herb Lainchbury  rallied over 30 geeks for International Open Data Hachathon Day locally. There are now plans to hold montly hackathons with the first scheduled for January 22nd. Contact Herb for more details. Anyone (not just geeks) interested in open data can attend.

Victoria’s inaugural Figgy Pudding Carolling Competition was also December 4th. It all started with a tweet, and soon @JanineAnnT @VIHippieChick @jagamer and @lacouvee were forming a group “The Tweets”.    It was so much fun, there are now plans for a much larger “Twitter choir” next year.

TEDxVictoria hosted simulcasts at the University of Victoria for the first TED Women  Congratulations to organizer Sherry Moir for the very first TED event in Victoria.

TEDxJuandeFuca has plans for another TEDx event in April 2011.

The year ended in a flurry of tweetups #victoriatweetup (breakfast, WestShore, High Noon Hump Day, #U30 ladies, ladies, gents) and one final Social Media Club “Holiday Open Mic”.  See Mike Vardy’s “The Twelve Days of Christmas: Social Media Remix”.
Photo: Eventualism.com

Words can never convey my huge debt of gratitude to everyone involved in making this a simply amazing year. 2010 will be remembered as the year social media came into its own in Victoria. Each and every one of you played a HUGE part.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten people and events that need to be remembered – it’s not intentional. Please let me know.

Happy New Year! Here’s to a fabulous 2011!

Read More Social Media Year in Review posts here (http://janislacouvee.com). 


Janis also reminds us that we have much to look forward to in 2011 – here is just a sampling:

IdeaWave February 26th & 27th; Twestival Victoria March 24th; TEDxJuandeFuca in April;  Social Media Camp (#SMCV11) June 3rd and 4th, (*Note that Volunteer Victoria (@volvicbc on Twitter) is the chosen charity this year with proceeds going to support our valuable programs and services. Buy your ticket by January 31st for 50% off (only $199 for two days!); as well as regular Social Media Club Victoria meetings (3rd Monday of the month at the Victoria Event Centre) and many #victoriatweetup events.

Read Janis’s previous post Using Social Media to Promote Events regarding last year’s Twestival.  Victoria Twestival (2011) takes place on Thursday, March 24th. Details at http://victoria.twestival.com or @yyjtwestival on Twitter and Facebook.

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